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Seasons Greetings

Posted in General on December 11th, 2013 by blogmaster – Comments Off on Seasons Greetings

Happy Holidays to everyone, from your friends at Virtual West Coast. Thank you for another prosperous year, and remember to stay safe this holiday season.

You know it’s time to move to VWC when………

Posted in Uncategorized on June 17th, 2011 by blogmaster – Comments Off on You know it’s time to move to VWC when………

-your current provider sends you an apology for their 8 hour downtime window and begs you to stay.
-your current provider sends you an email and CC’s you and all their other clients instead of BCC.
-your current provider is less than truthful about their network and services.
-your current provider sends you a huge bill because their monitoring failed to alert you about usage.
-your current provider has constant email outages.
-your current provider takes hours to call you back.
-your current provider simply lies to you.
-your current provider is mean to kittens.

Hosted Point of Sale Software

Posted in General on October 26th, 2010 by blogmaster – Comments Off on Hosted Point of Sale Software Tags: , ,

So we thought we should address all the inquiries we have been getting about the free hosted POS software. No it is not a ruse, yes you can add pictures and have discounts and custom invoices and all the things a business needs to get going. So why go free when you can pay so much for a solution? We know you love to part with your money, but by using the best of the free stuff available today, a business can launch and get to its feet and gain perspective from which to grow, and then spend money to improve systems that need it. Ask anyone in business what they could do or would do with hind sight. Free POS is your chance to get to the point of having hind sight without wasting money coming through the gate.

Logo Design Competition Closing this week

Posted in General on October 26th, 2010 by blogmaster – Comments Off on Logo Design Competition Closing this week Tags: , ,

Wow, seriously, wow! Our thanks to all the designers who have submitted designs for our logo. We would really rather close the competition now because of all the work it is to review designs, but we did say it is open until month end, and we stay true to our word. No entries accepted beyond the 31st of October though, seriously.

Logo Design Competition

Posted in General on September 21st, 2010 by blogmaster – Comments Off on Logo Design Competition

VWC is holding a design competition for a new company logo. The winner will receive acclaim by the VWC team, free hosting for a long time, an ice cream, some gum, an article in our blog about them and their design skills, whatever change our President has in the desk drawer and 2 lottery tickets. Seriously, it doesn’t get better than that.
All entries must simply be submitted by the end of October 2010 via email. The submission must be artwork that will replace the area above the menu at the top of this website.
In addition to the change, the gum, the ice cream and lottery tickets, VWC will offer the services of the winning artist to our client base and on any projects that come in for a full year. If this proves to be a good arrangement there is also the possibility of becoming the “house graphics” person. VWC has a variety of artists we engage for different projects, but currently there is no one artist that calls VWC home.
Why are you still reading, shouldn’t you be grabbing your wacom tablet already?

SEO Assistance

Posted in General on September 21st, 2010 by blogmaster – Comments Off on SEO Assistance

VWC has assisted many companies to gain good rankings in the main search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. While there is still a great deal of smoke and mirrors in the tactics and almost mythical world of SEO, there are some very sound principles that will bring good results when deployed consistently and effectively.
Many companies offer strategies that come with heavy up front costs, and yield slow results. This is not necessarily bad, but to the first time customer a large amount of money out for little immediate return can be daunting. The same really goes for software development, it is hard to see anything good until it is actually pretty much completed.
When choosing an SEO firm to work with it is a very good idea to review their previous client list, and make a few calls to see what the company was like to work with and were the results in line with expectations. Any SEO company that cannot or will not provide you with examples of their work may be the kind to avoid. Let common sense be your guide.
Patience is a virtue with SEO stuff. VWC has experience with SEO work and can recommend some companies that have good track records. Google is your friend not only for finding and sourcing potential firms to work with, but also for information about how to rank well and get your particular product or service found by your target audience. There are a great many tools now to see exactly how your competition has gained their equitable placing on the front page of your desired search engine. Below is a link many of you may find helpful.

Free Things

Posted in General on September 21st, 2010 by blogmaster – Comments Off on Free Things Tags: , , ,

VWC gladly offers as many free services as possible to help our clients get the most from modern technology. Some of the many free services we recommend include:
-free email hosting
-free web hosting
-free Point of Sale solutions
-free FTP (File Transfer) systems
-free project management software

Other items we recommend that are not free but great value include:

-Hosted Invoicing and Billing Software
-Hosted Project Management Systems
-Hosted Point of Sale Solutions
-Unlimited Hosting plans

VWC International

Posted in General on September 21st, 2010 by blogmaster – Comments Off on VWC International Tags: , , ,

VWC proudly offers Internet presence to our customers in Canada, USA, Central America and Europe. With our new expansion into Asian markets, VWC is rapidly growing to be a leader in Advanced Internet Technology Solutions. An Australian office is also being established with long time colleagues and associates. VWC is able to offer a full suite of managed services from simple hosting, through to global load balancing and more. Our programming teams both in-house and offshore constantly bring new services to our clients and future customers.